
Unification Joint Statement


Unification Briefing Notes March 2025


Unification Briefing Notes October 2024




Both the CGU and CLCGA agreed in principle to county unification in the autumn of 2023.  Both committees view unification as the best way forward for the future of golf in Cornwall.  To this end a working party has been established with representation from both committees and is being supported by England Golf.  As we prepare to join the 10 counties already unified, leading the way in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, we believe this will maximise opportunities for one and all.

Signed on behalf of CGU                              Signed on behalf of CLCGA

Martin Edwards                                           Carole Waights

CGU President                                             CLCGA Unification Adviser


What is Unification?

Unification is the bringing together of the Men’s Golf Union and the Ladies Golf Association.

Why do we want to Unify?

A “bit” of History

1996 Sport England was established by Royal Charter, they were given the responsibility for developing and increasing participation in sport and in particular at the grass roots level. 

They currently dispense some £250M each year to sport from the Government and National Lottery.

One of their missions was to break down all the barriers to sport – one of those barriers was gender.

From 2009 Sport England worked with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) driving forward unification.

2012 saw the merger of the English Golf Union (EGU) and the English Women’s Golf Association (EWGA) into one body – England Golf (EG).

2017 saw the Ladies Golf Union (LGU) merge with the R and A.

No surprise that unification was to be cascaded into the Counties

Since 2014 when EG have actively encouraged Counties to unify, and to date some 10 counties (see Appendix 1) have merged into one body.  3 including Cornwall are committed and are planning for unification, and a further 6 are in the initial discussion stage.

What’s happening in Cornwall?

In 2023 both the Cornwall Golf Union (CGU) and Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association (CLCGA) agreed to unification in principle and a working group was set up to prepare for unification.


The working group consists:

  • Carole Waights Chair
  • Alan Creber Vice Chair
  • Chris Pountney Secretary
  • David West CGU – Treasurer
  • Amanda Harvey CLCGA – Treasurer
  • Pauline Clifton CLCGA Vice Captain
  • Martin Edwards CGU President
  • Mo Hammond CLCGA President 2023/24
  • Nikki Hodge CLCGA President 2024/26


What are the Benefits to Unification?

These benefits have been realised by the unified Counties, but not in all cases

  • A single common purpose, vision and strategy
  • Tailored approach to golf development for all, including a junior academy programme to develop future golf club members
  • Simpler structure for Clubs and Members to work with
  • Enhanced efficiency and economies of scale
  • Pooling of resources and experience amongst the Board, Sub-Committee members and volunteers
  • Improved communications and standardised image of Cornwall Golf (new website)
  • One organisation representing the views of the County affiliated clubs at both regional and national levels
  • A significant symbolic step towards breaking stereotypes
  • Promotes equality within the game
  • The place to go for all golf in the County (one-stop shop)
  • Improved efficiencies
  • Increase in County’s resources and eliminated duplication
  • Employed administrative staff – releases the burden on association volunteer roles
  • Smaller less time-consuming volunteer roles
  • A wider pool to recruit volunteers for county events
  • Opportunity to refocus and rebrand golf in the County
  • One competition software and reduced costs
  • Enhanced opportunity to represent all golfers in one place
  • Increased opportunity for sponsorship
  • Tailored diary events across all sections
  • Greater opportunity to communicate to the family audience
  • Improving the image of golf in Cornwall with one marketing and communications plan

What has been done so far?

During 2024 we have had 6 meetings where we looked at what other Counties had done and identified the following:

Our new Name – Cornwall Golf

It will be an incorporated company with limited guarantee

We recommend we have a Chair supported by a Board with either 7 or 9 directors with discreet areas of responsibility (which I will cover later) all with voting rights plus The President and Vice President who will be non-voting.  It is proposed the position of President will rotate on an annual basis between Male and Female.  The composition of the Board will be a minimum 30% Male and 30% Female.

The Board will be supported by committees drawn from existing and new volunteers.  As with the Board the gender balance will be 30% Male and 30% Female.

Responsibilities and Committees

Part of the exercise in analysing what we wanted for the future of Cornwall was identifying key areas we wanted and needed to influence for the future of golf in the County.  The Directors will have responsibility for the following and if we have 9 Directors we will have 2 Directors with no portfolio.

  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Golf Development
  • Coaching and Teams
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Club Services
  • Championships and Competitions

We created our Mission and Values

Cornwall Golf will oversee all things related to golf in Cornwall

  • We will welcome new players and members alike. Our aim is to increase participation in golf irrespective of age and gender
  • We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and the development of golfers and golf clubs in Cornwall

Our Vision

  • To promote and support Golf for ONE AND ALL

Our Values

Inclusive – welcoming and enabling everyone to be involved with golf in Cornwall

Honesty – acting with integrity, trust, fairness, reliability and transparency

Supportive – working together to make golf better for everyone, inspiring people to achieve goals

Excellence – continuously improving, exceeding expectations and setting high standards

Responsible – being personally accountable and passionate about driving a strong future for golf


Cornwall Golf will stand for

  • At Cornwall Golf we will be committed to growing the game in Cornwall
  • We will offer day-to-day help and support clubs, working together to resolve issues and challenges in our game
  • We will organise County wide competitions for all sections and encourage participation
  • We will lead on Equality, Diversity and inclusivity, creating greater opportunities for access, promoting the physical and mental health benefits of playing golf, inspiring more participation regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, disability or background to play golf
  • We will continue to be dedicated to developing talent, providing accomplished coaches and defined pathways at all levels, which in turn will enable us to put out high performing and successful county teams
  • Continue to inform educate and share best practice (via workshops or similar) with the affiliated clubs and their members

We will have a new logo (as per the heading on this briefing note) and new branded team kit etc.

Currently Working on

  1. All the legal aspects of dissolving the existing Union and Association
  2. Creating the new company
  3. Producing Articles of Association
  4. Rules of the Association


2023           Process Started

2024           Ongoing discussions with all parties. 

                   Presentations to stakeholders at AGM (CGU and CLCGA)

2025           Communications Campaign

                   New articles of association, constitution and rules to be ratified

                   Terms of reference for committees

                   Roles and recruitment for Board and Committee members

                   Dissolution of CGU and CLCGA

2026           We are aiming for February

                   Full unification to be completed

                   Launch of new structure including communication channels e.g. website


APPENDIX 1 – Unified Counties (as at 30th September 2024)

Bedfordshire County Golf

Derbyshire County

Devon Golf

Hertfordshire Golf

Isle of Man Golf

Kent Golf

Lancashire Golf

Middlesex Golf

Northamptonshire Golf

Wiltshire Golf