CLCGA Constitution




a) The Association shall be called ‘Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association’

b) The Officers are: the President, the Vice-President when in office, the County Captain, the County Vice- Captain, the Junior Organiser, the Honorary Secretary, the Competition Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer

c) The Association’s colours shall be yellow and black.

a) Members of the Association must be female, amateur golfers and must have at least one of the following three qualifications (see Regulation 6(b) of the Women’s County Golf Regulations, England Golf Handbook):
• Birth A player is always entitled to play for the county of her birth
• Residence A player is always entitled to play for the county in which she is residing with the intention of permanent residence. If a player moves into England from any other country, she must complete 12 months residence before being eligible for Full Membership of that county
• Club Membership A player is always entitled to play for the County where she is a playing member of a Club

b) Membership of the Association will cease when a player is no longer able to meet any of the eligibility criteria in 2 a) above. Members wishing to join another County Association will be unable to do so until the start of the next County Year which commences on the 1st day of February (Regulation 5(e) of the Women’s County Golf Regulations, England Golf Handbook).

a) The management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the Officers plus the County Delegate on the SW Regional Committee and one delegate from each Club which has affiliated to the County Association. The new Committee shall take office from the date of the Annual General Meeting (see 6a)) and will meet three times a year with fifteen members required to form a Quorum. The USGA Team Leader, Handicap Adviser and County Vice-Captain elect shall be invited to attend without voting rights.

b) In the event of the County Captain or Vice-Captain being unable to act as Chairman at any meeting, the President, or Vice President in her absence, shall act as substitute Chairman for that meeting. If none of those Officers is able to act as Chairman at any meeting, the Committee shall elect a Chairman for that meeting from amongst the Delegates present.

c) The President shall hold office for two years. During her first year of office she shall nominate a Vice-President to take office forthwith.

d) The County Captain shall hold office for two years, having held the office of Vice-Captain for the preceding two years. The Vice-Captain shall nominate her successor during her first year of office having previously informed the Officers of her choice. The committee (with a quorum of 20) shall have the power to make temporary adjustments to these arrangements if the need should arise. If adjustments are to last for more than six months, or become permanent, they must be approved and confirmed at an AGM (see rule 3h), or if necessary, an EGM may be called.

e) A retiring Captain may remain on the Committee ex officio for one year only after she steps down from office.

f) Each club shall send in writing to the Honorary Secretary before the Annual General Meeting, the names of the delegate chosen to represent its members on the Committee. It is recommended the Club Delegate serve for a minimum of 3 years. If a Delegate is unable to attend any meeting, she or her Club shall arrange a substitute to attend in her place.

g) The Honorary Secretary, the Competition Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Junior Organiser shall each hold office for a period of three years with a maximum term of office of nine years in total (i.e. no more than three consecutive terms).

h) The Committee may make byelaws for the management of the Association but such byelaws shall only remain in force until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association when they shall be submitted for ratification.

i) The Officers may consider and determine any routine matter on which a decision cannot be delayed until the next Committee meeting. Such decisions will be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.

a) The election of officers shall take place in the following manner:

Any two members of the Association shall be at liberty to nominate a member to serve as Junior Organiser, Honorary Secretary, Competition Secretary, or Honorary Treasurer, having previously obtained the consent of such member or members. The name of each member so nominated, together with the name of the proposer and seconder shall be notified in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least one calendar month before the Committee Meeting preceding the Annual General Meeting and shall be put on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting. It is expected that both the proposer and the seconder will be present at the Annual General Meeting. In case of more than one nomination for any post, election will be made by ballot.

a) The day to day management of the Junior Section shall be vested in a Junior Committee consisting of the County Captain, the County Vice-Captain, the Honorary Secretary and the Junior Organiser. The Committee may co-opt up to two additional members if it so desires.

b) The overall responsibility for the Junior Section will lie with the Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association and members of the Junior Committee shall abide by the CLCGA Rules. The Junior Organiser will be responsible for reporting back to the Delegates all matters relevant to Juniors.


a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at such time and place as the Committee shall determine. The Minutes of the previous year’s meeting and the Annual Balance sheet shall be prepared and laid before the members at the AGM, copies of which will be available at the AGM.

b) A proxy vote is available to any member and should be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than 3 days before the AGM.

c) The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting when any matters of urgent importance shall occur and shall be bound to do so on receiving a letter of requisition signed by thirty members. Any such letter shall precisely state the purpose for which the meeting is to be called and no other business shall be transacted at such an Extraordinary General Meeting. Fourteen days notice of such a meeting must be given to affiliated clubs and the quorum will be sixty members present.

d) No rule of the Association shall be altered or repealed, and no new rule shall be made save by a majority of the voting members, whether present or by proxy, at the AGM

e) One calendar month’s notice of any proposed amendment to the Rules shall be given, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary.

a) There shall be an Annual Subscription of such an amount as shall from time to time be approved by the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting, payable by Clubs by 31st March in respect of each home member and home junior member eligible to join the Association. The amount payable by each club will be calculated on a per capita basis for every home member irrespective of membership category as at 30th June in the preceding calendar year (Rules of England Golf 2.1).

b) Clubs become affiliated on payment of a fee, to be decided by the Committee, which entitles them to enter a team for the Western Morning News Cup, the Leagues and Gammon Trophy.

c) No Club or member in arrears can compete in any County match or County competition or vote at any County meeting.

a) The teams to represent the County shall be chosen by a Selection Committee which will consist of The President, County Captain, Vice-Captain, plus two people of the Captain’s choice. The Selection Committee will include the Junior Organiser when choosing junior teams.

b) A player must fulfil the qualifications laid down in Rule 2 a) above

c) A player is not entitled to the County first team badge until she has played in twelve matches. A player in the second team is not entitled to the County second team badge until she has played in eight matches.

d) Any player who has played more than 12 matches in Inter County Match Week will be ineligible to play for the second team.

e) When playing matches for the County, the team shall have their accommodation expenses paid out of the Association’s funds. (moved from Expenses section)

f) If travelling outside the county, players shall be allowed their 2nd class return railway fare or, if travelling by road, mileage at a rate agreed by the committee. If claiming mileage, players will be expected to share transport with other players.

a) Officers of the Association using their cars for Association business and the County Delegate on the South West Regional Committee shall be eligible to receive their petrol expenses at a rate that shall from time to time be set or amended by the Committee.

b) Car owners who drive their cars for the use of players may receive their expenses at the rate as in Rule 8(f) above.

c) An honorarium of £100 will be paid to each of the following: President, County Captain, the Honorary Secretary, Competition Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Junior Organiser.

d) All claims for expenses shall be submitted to the County Treasurer, on the appropriate expense form, within one month of the expense being incurred.

a) Competitions shall be held at such times and under such conditions as the Committee may determine.

b) Where a player is a member of more than one club, the club which holds and manages her handicap is her ‘home’ club. In the course of any year, players shall only represent their home club in any county competition. They may change their home club by moving their handicap in accordance with CONGU rules, but in the course of any single season they may only represent one club in county competitions that involve playing as part of a team. This applies within and beyond the county boundaries.

The Club Captain or her deputy must send the results of each League, Gammon and Vice Presidents’ match to the Secretary of the Association, or to the Organiser of the Competition, as soon as possible and certainly within two days of the match.

The Association shall be dissolved only after an Extraordinary General meeting has been convened to discuss the matter. Should such a resolution be passed by a two-thirds majority of those clubs present, the Committee shall proceed to realise the assets of the Association. The Association is a non-profit-making organisation and shall not make a distribution of any profits or surpluses save to another non-profit-making body. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the assets and property of the Association shall be distributed to non-profit-making bodies associated with golf, as shall be directed by the CLCGA Committee in being immediately prior to dissolution.


Amended and ratified at AGM December 2005
Amended Delegates January 2006 AGM to ratify
Amended Delegates September 2008 – ratified AGM 2008
Amended Delegates June 2009 and ratified at AGM 2009
Amended AGM 2009
Amended EGM February 2013
Amended AGM December 2013
Amended AGM December 2014
Amended AGM December 2015
Amended AGM December 2017
Amended AGM December 2020
Amended AGM December 2023


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