CVLCGA – cancellations

We are sorry to inform our members that like the CLCGA our Committee has decided to cancel all remaining events this year.  Our reasons are similar to those which had to be taken into account by the CLCGA – the reduced capacity of clubhouses so that meals and presentations would not be feasible; changing room facilities would be difficult to manage; there are no toilets open on Trevose golf course; restrictions on sharing cars means travelling together would not be allowed so car parks would be unable to cope with increased vehicle numbers; and, not least, the safety of the members, many of whom are considered vulnerable merely because of their age; and of the Committee who would be meeting and greeting players and processing cards.

In addition to cancelling the Autumn Meeting and the match against the Captains’ Society, the Committee has also decided to abandon this year’s Championship play offs and there will be no AGM Meeting.  We shall circulate the various end of year reports to Delegates, together with the end of year accounts, the names of Committee members for the forthcoming year, and a list of fixtures for 2021.  We feel there is no need for formal elections in these unusual times as all successors to the current post-holders are already in place and will merely take up their posts.


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