Minutes of the Cornwall Ladies Captains Society AGM Monday 15th October 2018


In the absence of the President the Captain opened the meeting at 4.00pm.  She gave the President’s apologies who was unable to attend because of ill health.

The secretary read out the names of the Past captains who had passed away in the last year and asked all to stand for a minute’s silence.

  1. Apologies for Absence

Jane Wooldridge, Lynne Dickinson, Sally Ingle, Kathy Wells, S.Giles, M.Wright. 

  • Minutes of the last meeting, AGM 2017, these were issued prior to the meeting for everyone to read.  They were approved.  Proposed by Susan Pascoe. Seconded by Linda Ryder           
  • Matters Arising     

None.  However, after the meeting had closed an item which should have been discussed under matters arising was put forward.  Please see Appendix 1 & 2 at the end of these minutes.

  • President’s Report due to illness there was no report from the President.
  • Captain’s Report – attached to the end of the minutes.
  • Secretary’s Report – attached to the end of the minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report – attached to the end of the minutes
  • Elected Officers

President: Janet Hawken

Retiring Captain: Linda Ryder

Secretary: Letitia Rivett-Old

Treasurer: Jenny Hamilton

Committee members: Susan Pascoe until 2019, Beverley Sullivan until 2020.

Web site co-ordinator:  Susan Pascoe has agreed to take on this role at the request of the secretary.

 There are 2 vacancies on the committee if anyone would be willing to be co-opted on to the committee please speak to the secretary after the meeting.

  • Election of Officers

Captain: Nina Hann, proposed Linda Ryder, seconded Janet Hawken

Vice-Captain: Barbara Gray, proposed Nina Hann, seconded Letitia Rivett-Old

The meeting closed at 4.25pm

Signed:_____________________       Date:________________________

Captain’s Report October 2018

Good Afternoon Ladies

This has been the last day of my captaincy.  It has been a privilege to hold this position and although very busy, very much enjoyed.

My thanks go to Janet / Madam President, Letitia / our Secretary, Jenny, / our Treasurer and all the committee for all their hard work and support.  I have been so lucky.

You have all been captains, so you know how much effort goes into these things.

I am delighted to say that we won all of our matches-

Somerset Away 5 and 3 – on a horrendously wet day with the greens flooding as we finished the match.  Ironically, the weather was glorious in Cornwall – as soon as we crossed the Tamar.

Dorset at Home – 3 and a half – two and a half at Truro.

Devon at Home – 5 and a half – 2 and a half at Launceston.

Vets – 4 and a half – 2 and a half at Tehidy- although many of us are captains as well as vets so this had divided loyalties. 

My thanks to all who took part in the various matches and apologies to those who didn’t get the opportunity to play.  With over 200 paid up members of our society it is not possible to include everyone, added to which, Dorset could only raise 6 pairs and this included one former Dorset player who now plays at Truro.

Members from every club which subscribes to our society were included, the exception being China Fleet who were invited on two occasions but were unable to play. 

My grateful thanks to Launceston and Truro Golf Clubs as well as my home club Tehidy for generously giving us courtesy of the Course and a special thanks to Ian our Secretary / manager for securing these courtesies for me.  Thanks also to Carlyon Bay (Spring Meeting) for significantly reduced fees and a lovely day.

My thanks to Kath and all the catering and bar staff here at Tehidy for keeping us fed and watered and thank you also to Amanda East (who isn’t here) for preparing the Board for us.  Sadly, my skills do not run to this!

I wish Nina a happy and successful year.

Linda Ryder

15th October 2018.

CLCS AGM Secretary’s Report 15.10.2018

Entries for the Spring meeting came in very quickly, and the competition was full at least 4 weeks before the closing date.  A waiting list was created, by the time of the competition several people had had to pull out for various reasons and everyone who was on the waiting list, and able to play, did get a game. 

The Autumn Meeting has been less well supported.  I suspect that there are various reasons why the field is smaller.

The Captains’ events are published in two ways, at the County AGM in December a package is distributed to all the clubs, which includes the Spring meeting flyer & entry form, Millennium Trophy details, fixtures for the coming year & a reminder of the £5 annual fee, so please lookout for this;  the events are also published in less detail on the county website (which I know has caused considerable problems recently).

The entry form which is sent out with the flyer is the best one to return as it contains all the relevant information required for the appropriate meeting, also the standard form on the county website is difficult to print off. 

Sixteen clubs entered the Millennium Trophy, every round was completed well within the allocated time.  The final was played, at Tehidy, in fine weather between Hilary Brown from Cape Cornwall & Glen Thom from Bude & North Cornwall.  After a closely fought match, played in a very friendly manner, Glen Thom was the eventual winner.

At the beginning of June this year I sent out by post “for the attention of the ladies Captain” to all clubs: the Autumn Meeting flyer & entry form together with a data protection form.

Very few clubs have returned the data protection form & even less actually put their contact details on the form, even though this was requested & all signed agreeing to their details being held by the secretary.  Consequently, this has made it difficult to contact people re the autumn meeting, particularly since the county website was being up graded. 

This is my first year as secretary.  I would like to thank Janet Hawken, as a past secretary, for all her help, Linda Ryder for her encouragement & recognising the work involved as secretary, and all the committee for their help & support.

Letitia Rivett-Old October 2018


Lady Captain, ladies

Since taking office at last year’s Annual General Meeting your Committee has made every effort to keep expenditure under control.   However, the purchase of polo shirts, sweaters and brooches has resulted in a small deficit of £121.02 for the year ended 31st May 2018.

In view of the large amount of stock we now hold there should be no necessity to spend money on badges and/or clothing for several years to come.   Members of the Committee have declined to accept an honorarium and it has also been agreed that any expenditure in excess of £20 by officers and/or committee members will require approval by the Committee.

Inter-county matches have not been subsidised and those selected to play have paid the full amount required to cover the day’s expenses.   As a result of these measures I am confident that I will be able to present a rosier financial picture at next year’s AGM.

If there are any questions I will be pleased to try and answer them.

Thank you. 

Jenny Hamilton

October 2018


After the meeting had closed a challenge was made from the floor by Vicky Lee-Comyn regarding any other business.  The secretary pointed out that no items / proposals had been submitted.  Therefore, according to the constitution there was nothing further to discuss.  The response was that at all AGMs it was always possible to introduce items under AOB.  The secretary again pointed out that the items MUST be submitted according to the constitution, prior to the meeting in order for the items to be sent out to every member of the CLCS so that they had time to think about & make a decision on the item / proposal.  This comment was supported by several members present.  The secretary also suggested that it was quite in order for a proposal to be submitted immediately for discussion at the AGM in 2019.  When the member was asked what the item was which she wished to discuss it was stated that it was paragraph 10 in the minutes from the 2017 AGM.  The secretary then informed her that this should have been brought up in matters arising.  The secretary’s comment was supported by the rest of the members present.

The outgoing Captain did point out that no one had responded to the idea of reversing the Spring & Autumn meetings competitions, thus having the AGM in the spring, but the committee would be willing to discuss this at their meetings during the year.  Vicky Lee-Comyn then requested that the committee’s findings be sent out to all the past captains for them to discuss, prior to the 2019 AGM.  The secretary responded by pointing out that everyone had had plenty of time this year to respond to the paragraph 10 but obviously had chosen not to do so, and it was the responsibility of all the members to respond by checking the County website. 


In December 2018 a questionnaire was sent out to all the Clubs past captains asking for a response by the middle of February, in time for discussion at the February committee meeting.  Please see below the document which was sent out.

Dear Lady Captains (Past & Present)

As you will know our society exists to provide friendly / social golf for past and present captains of all the golf clubs in Cornwall.

There is a Spring and Autumn meeting each year as well as matches against Somerset, Devon and Dorset.  There is also a match against Cornwall Lady Vets.  Membership costs £10 in the first year and £5 per year thereafter. 

Currently the AGM is held at the Autumn meeting, but a proposal has been put forward to change this to the Spring meeting so that we could take advantage of the lighter evenings. 

In order to obtain the views of as many members as possible, your committee would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete and return the tear- off slip below no later than 15th February 2019.

Yours faithfully

Letitia Rivett-Old

Secretary – CLCS 

To Mrs Letitia Rivett-Old,  11, Link Close, Falmouth. TR11 4AB.

_______________________Golf Club has discussed the suggestion put forward regarding changing the Society AGM to the Spring Meeting and our response is as follows. 


Retain the current situation with the AGM combined with the Autumn meeting             

Change the AGM to combine with the Spring Meeting                                           

Any further relevant suggestions / comments


The results were as follows:  

31% of clubs failed to respond.

35% of clubs voted to maintain the existing date for the AGM i.e. following the Autumn Meeting.

27% of clubs voted to change the date of the AGM

The remaining 7% were not sure, or other.  One proposal was made that the format of the Autumn Meeting be changed. 


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