The final of the Gammon was played at Trevose in sunshine and with only a slight breeze. The finalist were Perranporth and West Cornwall. There were plenty of spectators from numerous Cornish Clubs out enjoying the good golf. All the matches were played in good spirit.
The first match was between Danielle Price and Judy Ryder. Judy took an early lead but Danielle came back and finally won on the 18th. Olivia Trewhela played Jo Body and won 5&4. Nikki Hodge played Gloria Sandow and won 5&4. Jan Sargeant played Hilary Wood and won 4&3. Jo Rysdale halved with Rachel Perkin. Angie Chapman played Hannah Body and won 5&4. Vicky Lee Comyn halved with Gill Cattran.
Overall Perranporth won 6-1 and won the Gammon Trophy for the 4th year running.
The team’s enjoyed a meal afterwards and thanks go to Trevose for hosting the Final.